A historical novel that both teens and adults will like to read and recommend to their friends. Silent Love, tells about Jonathan's great-nephew Clayton Williams as he leaves his home in North Carolina to follow in his uncle's footsteps by venturing farther west. Beth O'Neill and her family are also traveling over the Cumberland Mountains heading west. See how Beth handles losing her family, then tries to decide what to do now that she is on her own and headed to an unknown land. Read how their lives intertwine with Winola, a twelve year old girl, whose drunkard father loses her to slavers while gambling. Experience with them the hardships and pleasures of living in the early 1800's Ohio.

What People are saying about Silent Love

by Belinda Jo Adams

(pastor’s wife) “I was so surprised at a happening in the last chapter.”

(cashier - senior citizen) told her daughter “You’ve got to read it!” [her daughter did read it.]

(husband of writer) enjoyed the story and gave lots of advice to improve it. The advice was heeded.

1993 (many times-published writer) critiqued it. Lots of red marks and advice. She liked the story and said BA had promise.

(single lady - secretary) “I like that type of story.”

(dental hygienist- housewife) “I couldn’t put it down. I read it in 1 1/2 days. What a wonderful story about the testimony of lives and its affect on others and the power of prayer!!”

(senior citizen- housewife) “A wonderful story. Really kept me alert to finish it to know what was going to happen next.”

(teenager) “Beautiful. I stopped cross-stitching my quilt piece to read it and finish it in about 6 hours. It was too good to put down.”

(housewife - office worker) “What a delightful book to read! I had tears in my eyes in several spots. I didn’t want to put it down and I’m looking forward to the next book.”

(deaf, housewife) “I like it and the deaf parts were real.” [She kept asking BJA if it is at the publisher’s yet, etc.]

(housewife - teacher - deaf worker) “May I read you other one, also?”

(housewife) “A warm-hearted family story.”

(wife of a deaf man - interpreter) You have produced a truly inspirational piece of literature. As the story unfolds it captures the imagination causing the reader to mentally and emotionally participate with its characters. With each page and every succeeding chapter eagerness and enthusiasm crescendos as the drama plays itself out to the end. I enjoyed your flair for the ‘mysterious’ and your knack for ‘cliff hanging’ which beckoned and lured the reader to the finish line. Great job.”

(missionary) – You wrote a good story. Thanks.

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